Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Frame # 1

OK, so here's frame # 1. This is the second time I had used epoxy, and I didn't do a very neat job. I discovered very quickly that when using epoxy, it's important to be absolutely prepared before you mix the resin & hardener. Also, you must remain calm if (when) things don't turn out exactly as you would expect.

I'm going to try and sand some of the places where the epoxy spilled over into visible areas (e.g. when it got to where it didn't belong). Not sure if it matters, but I'm anal enough that it would make me feel better if it were gone. I'm not expecting this boat to be a masterpiece when it's done. The goal with this thing is to build a sailboat that floats and sails, and have some fun doing it. However, I'd like it to appear that I have SOME idea of what I'm doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joe, listen...I've been your friend for a long time, but this is where I draw the line. Carving larger-than-life-size intra-uterine devices out of wood is just...bizarre.