Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Book re. wooden boatbuilding

Just finished Wooden Boats by Michael Ruhlman. From the minutiae file: 1.) Ruhlman lives in Cleveland Heights 2.) Mikey, he is the co-author of the charcuterie book.

This was an engaging book that tells the story of a boat shop in Martha's Vineyard. It also is a sometimes preachy diatribe against the plasticization and impermanence of modern western culture. I would raise more of a fuss about this preaching, but he happens to be right. The last several pages of the book offer a poignant summary of his view. This book is also the justification I need to build my next boat using the plank-on-frame method, assuming we move to a place with a big enough workspace to accommodate it.


Anonymous said...

Dude, are you going to invite Billy Squier to test out your new boat? You can tell him, "Rock Me Tonight!"

Billy Squier is GAY.

mjd said...


Michael, that may be the most nonsequitarian thing I have ever heard you say outside Joey's bachelor party.

SuaveTheUberWop said...

Hey Joe, I hafta take an el dumpo.

Joe Barker said...

dude why didn't you call me?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dale,

Nonsequetarian violence is ripping Iraq apart. Don't bring that mess into the blogiverse...or blogdom...or whatever the fuck this is.